
The Most Popular College Degrees… And Why Your School Should Be Offering Them Fully Online!

The Most Popular College Degrees…And Why Your School Should Be Offering Them Fully Online!

Only about 7% of US colleges are considered “primarily online” institutions. Yet, 42% of college students over the age of 30 are pursuing...
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Nearly One a Week… That’s How Many Colleges Are Closing Down

Nearly One a Week…That’s How Many Colleges Are Closing Down

Research from EY Pantheon shows that nearly 10% of all four-year colleges and universities are in serious financial peril.[1] Further, the Hechinger Report...
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Get Ready Now… The “Enrollment Cliff” May Be Coming Sooner Than We Thought

Get Ready Now… The “Enrollment Cliff” May Be ComingSooner Than We Thought

Back in April, we, Conversion Media Group published an eye-opening article titled “Data Show Big Opportunities for Fully Online Colleges” (available HERE). In...
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An “All Hands on Deck” Approach to New Student Recruitment

An “All Hands on Deck” Approach to New Student Recruitment

Enrolling new college students, either on campus or online, isn’t as “easy” as it used to be. In fact, for the most part,...
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Social Media Marketing: Pay Attention to These Metrics to Assure Better Campaign Performance

Social Media Marketing: Pay Attention to These Metrics to Assure Better Campaign Performance

Nearly 3 out of every four Americans use social media. That’s almost 250 million of us. What’s more, roughly 90% of all US...
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College Enrollment Stats and What New FAFSA Applications Could Mean for Your School

College Enrollment Stats and What New FAFSA Applications Could Mean for Your School

Are better days finally ahead for four-year college enrollments? New data seems to indicate, well… Maybe. According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research...
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Marketing Your School to Prospective Trade School Students… By Overcoming Misperceptions

Marketing Your School to ProspectiveTrade School Students… By Overcoming Misperceptions

Here’s the good news… There’s massive interest among recent high school grads (and adults alike) in entering the trades. In fact, 47% are...
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Prospective Students are Looking For “Something Different” … Give it To Them!

Prospective Students are Looking For “Something Different” … Give it To Them!

Times have changed. Many of today’s students want a different kind of experience in college than their parents had. Sure, the on-campus “lifestyle”...
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Data Show Big Opportunities for Fully Online Colleges

The numbers don’t lie. There are roughly 2,500 colleges and universities in the US that offer at least some online learning. And, as...
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To shoe Gen Z students at college campus

You’ve Known it All Along… Now It’s Hitting the Mainstream Media

If you’re operating a trade school, career-college or vocational/tech academy, the facts revealed in the headlines you’re about to read are probably something...
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How to Market Your College to Show Prospective Students A Glimpse into Their Future

Today’s prospective college students know that college has become expensive, not all college majors are created equal, there are plenty of alternatives to...
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Marketing Your Trade School or Career-College to Women

Do you remember Rosie the Riveter? It was the iconic WWII era poster featuring a skilled female factory worker, flexing her bicep, with...
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Digital Marketing Tips For Higher Education

No matter what kind of institution of higher education you operate, chances are you need more students. And, as you well know, tuition...
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It’s Career and Technical Education Month

It’s almost spring. High school seniors around the country have begun narrowing down their choices for a post-secondary education and are preparing for...
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Challenges and Trends in Higher Ed… What to Keep Your Eye On

Every business has its challenges, and higher education is no exception. This has become especially true for “traditional” institutions of higher ed. In...
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New Data Show Why Marketing Your School On YouTube Shorts is A Must

You’d better be quick. Attention spans are dropping and your opportunity to get your message across to your target audience has shrunk to...
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Lead Gen and Conversions: The Top 11 Infographics of 2023

2023 was a great year for lead generation and conversions. Many CMG clients, especially those in higher education, saw fantastic lead generation and...
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2023’s Most “Obvious” Higher-Ed Research Report Showcases the Need For Alternatives…

Earlier this year, Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW) released a research report on the benefits of a higher education.[1]...
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Higher Ed Enrollments Finally Trending Up!

It’s no secret that many traditional colleges and universities have been struggling with enrollments for over a decade now. In fact, it’s gotten...
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Leveraging Your Instructors as Enrollment Tools

Your enrollment department may have a world of resources at its fingertips. Marketing budgets, advertising campaigns, career day workshops, social media strategists and...
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About the Recent Career and Technical Education Roundtable

It’s become clear. There is an urgent need for students to consider a technical or career-based education. Our economy is desperately short of...
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To show college students

How to Calculate These 6 “Must Know” Edu Lead Generation Metrics

Every business needs more customers to grow. This is perhaps no more apparent than in the business of higher education. Since most students...
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The Nine Biggest Benefits of Lead Generation for Higher Ed

Any school, offering any programs, can only increase their enrollments in one of two ways, and there will likely never be a third...
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To show a female welder in trade school

Why More Traditional Colleges Are Offering Career-Based Educations

A recent study from the Educational Data Initiative (EDI) has revealed some alarming facts about college students. Up to 32.9% of undergraduate students...
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5 Trends That May Impact Career Educators in 2024

The world is constantly changing, and so are the needs and desires of today’s prospective career-college/CTE students. And because of these changes, it’s...
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Easy to Implement Digital Lead Gen Strategies for 2024

Can you believe we’re in Q4 already? The year is flying by. But there’s no better time to look forward to 2024 than,...
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To show a career educator

Gen Z is Skipping Traditional College…But There’s a Bright Spot for Career Educators

The numbers are striking. Four million fewer teenagers enrolled in college last year than did in 2012.[1] This, even as the population of...
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Analyzing Current Quarterly Data Can Help DriveBetter Quality Leads and ROI

Data is digital gold. And the more data you have, the richer your business could become. It’s estimated that the internet contains 5...
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You Have Plenty of Leads…But Why Aren’t They Converting?

Let’s assume you have killer sales reps… a team of great openers, and awesome closers. Now think about how much money you’ve invested...
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To show college students

This two-Year Program Is a New “Sweet Spot”For Enrollment Efforts

Over the past decade, a large percentage of traditional four-year institutions and even two year/community colleges have had difficulties either increasing or maintaining...
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Should You Hire a Call Center, or a Contact Center for Qualified Lead Generation?

If you’re considering hiring a “call center” to help your business generate high quality leads, you’re going to want to do some research...
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Students Want More Fully Online Degree Options

Student demands are changing. Now, more than ever, today’s students, whether they be new high school grads or adult learners, want something different...
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College Enrollment Is Long Past It’s Peak

Colleges are in crisis. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, total U.S. enrollment topped out a decade ago with about 18.1...
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Adult Learners Are Searching For These 9 Skilled Trade Programs, Right Now!

The cat’s out of the bag. More and more high school grads and adult learners are turning to skilled trades and career educations...
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To show graduate, soon to be alumni

Leveraging Your Alumni As an Enrollment Initiative

In the world of sales and marketing, your best customers are the ones you already have. For institutions of higher education, this means...
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How Long Should Your Marketing Videos Be?

Video is king. Today, 91% of businesses are using video as part of their marketing programs, the highest percentage of businesses using this...
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The Dire Enrollment Situation at 4-Year Institutions Reveals a Bright Spot for 2-Year Programs

Universities are in crisis mode. From 2019 to 2022, undergraduate enrollment at four-year institutions dropped by 8%. Further, according to the US Bureau...
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8 Digital Marketing Tips Any Business Can Use

It’s 2023 and every business now knows that digital marketing can be a primary growth driver. When done correctly, digital marketing can generate...
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Interesting Search Data Your Enrollment Department Should Be Aware Of

Sustaining and boosting enrollment at career colleges, trade schools and all other institutions of higher education is a science. As such, data has...
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Leads Vs. Prospects: What’s the Difference and Which Converts Better?

No matter what kind of business you’re in, growing your customer base is paramount to success. Simply put, if you sell widgets, you...
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To show adult learning

Spring Enrollment Flat, But Certain Institutions are Thriving 

Recent data released by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center show spring semester enrollments, across all sectors of higher ed, were flat compared...
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Social Media Marketing Tips For Higher Education Lead Generation

It’s no secret. Social media has become a major part of the higher education marketing ecosystem. Today more than ever, trade schools, career...
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The Alarming Rise in The Cost of A 4- Year Degree…

And Why More Americans Are Doing This Instead It’s no secret, college is expensive. But just how expensive is it?... and have costs...
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To show a trade school/career college

The Top 6 Ways To Improve The Marketing Of Your Trade School or Career College

Is your enrollment department flooded with new students? Or are students going to your competitors’ schools instead? If they’re enrolling with the competition,...
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Call Centers vs. Contact Centers

Call centers and contact centers may seem like interchangeable terms. However, as you’re about to see, they are quite distinct. Each one functions...
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Does Email Marketing Still Work?

Today, we want to share 10 facts that prove email marketing still works, and why you should incorporate email marketing into your higher-ed...
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What the Great College “Brain-Drain” 
Means for Career Educators

For over a decade now, colleges and universities have been experiencing a massive “brain-drain” across the system. Today, as the National Student Clearinghouse...
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to show a contact center

Why Partnering With a Domestic Contact Center Is A Must, Especially for Boosting Enrollments

Most businesses that utilize contact centers do so for two basic reasons: customer service or customer acquisition. For those businesses using a contact...
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To show a typical 4 year private university

The “Not So” Surprising Reason a Catholic University Was Forced to Drop Theology Degrees…

For well over a decade now, colleges and universities have seen enrollment numbers plummet. In fact, between the fall semester of 2012 and...
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To introduce a theme of the infographic: online education

7 Trends That Will Impact Career Educators in 2023

With so many technological advancements now taking hold, and the needs and desires of adult learners quickly changing, there are a number of...
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Image shows how frustrating it can be when leads don't convert

Why Aren’t Your Leads Converting?

Ask any business and they’ll tell you the only thing more important than lead generation is lead conversion. And it’s clear why: Conversions...
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5 KPIs Your Social Media Managers Should Be Keeping Track Of…

If you’re in the career and technical education (CTE) space, now may be the best time in decades to boost your enrollments. With...
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The Adult Workforce is Turning to Micro Degrees and Micro Credentials To Further Their Careers

Both the higher-ed and employment landscapes are quickly changing. As Harvard Business Review recently put it, “skills-based hiring is on the rise.” Employers...
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5 Simple Ways to Boost Higher-Ed Enrollments

Facts from the National Bureau of Economic Research show that in times of economic downturns, there’s traditionally been a marked increase in enrollment...
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The Most Searched Trades in Each State and Why Career Educators Should Geo-Target Them

Five years’ worth of data now reveal which trades are the most searched in each state. This means that if your institution offers...
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What Could a Recession Mean for Higher-Ed Enrollment?

The stock market is in shambles, prices of many consumer goods continue to rise, interest rates are skyrocketing, and home prices are collapsing....
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When Hiring a Contact Center to Curate and Deliver High Response Education Leads…

Hiring a contact center to generate education leads to boost enrollment at your higher education facility can be a daunting task. You may...
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Important Lead Conversion Metrics You Must Know… And How To Calculate Them

Lead generation, and the conversion of those leads, is the lifeblood of nearly every business. Of course, the better the quality of leads...
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4 Higher-Ed Lead Generation Tips That Can Help Boost Enrollment Fast

Spring enrollment is just around the corner. By now, your institution, whether you’re a trade school, tech academy, vocational school, career college or...
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Lead Response Times: How Long Should You Wait?

In the 1996 cult classic, “Swingers,” starring Vince Vaughan and Jon Favreau, the question of when to first contact a “qualified lead” is...
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NSCRC Data Show More Students are Choosing A Career & Technical Education Over College

According to the most current 2022 term-enrollment estimates from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (NSCRC), overall student enrollment at colleges and universities...
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Forget Call Centers, Here’s Why a Higher-Ed Focused “Contact Center” Can Really Boost Your Enrollment

When you think of the words “call center,” images of rows of people stacked into a tiny room, cold calling hundreds of numbers...
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What Adult Learners Look For When Choosing A Career Education School

It’s a simple fact. Adult learners enroll in career colleges, vocational schools, trade schools, tech academies and bootcamps for one reason: they want...
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As Traditional College Enrollments Continue to Decline, New Data Show Career Colleges, Trade and Vocational Schools Are Primed for Big Student Gains

The number of students enrolling at traditional four-year colleges and universities have been in decline for over a decade. From the spring semester...
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Two Quick Ways to Analyze Your Website Visitors to Increase Sales

You’re probably already using a website data analysis tool like Google Analytics. And once a week or so, you might review at least...
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Career Educators and Trade Schools… Here’s The Top 13 Fields Adult Learners Want to Enter

As our economy transforms, so does our workforce. Today, more adults than ever are looking to gain career-based skills to take advantage of...
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The Top 9 “Quick-View” Metrics to Watch Before Performing Deeper Analysis of Your Marketing Data

The easiest way to tell whether your marketing efforts are working or not, is by looking at your quick-view data, or the non-granular...
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Lead Gen

The Best B2C Digital Lead Gen Strategies for 2023

The Best B2C Digital Lead Gen Strategies for 2023 As we approach the fourth quarter of 2022, the savviest businesses have already begun...
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Adult Learners

“Future Finder Challenge” Hopes to
Reimagine Career Navigation For Adult Learners

“Future Finder Challenge” Hopes to Reimagine Career Navigation For Adult Learners With the acknowledgement that up to 43 million Americans could greatly benefit...
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How Deep Data Analysis Can Help You Generate Highly Targeted Leads That Convert | Conversion Media Group

How Deep Data Analysis Can Help You Generate Highly Targeted Leads That Convert

How Deep Data Analysis Can Help You Generate Highly Targeted Leads That Convert Put yourself in the shoes of your prospects for a...
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What Exactly Are Live Transfer Leads, And Why Are They So Valuable?

Any business, operating in any vertical, can only grow their top line in one of two ways, and there will never be a...
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5 Ways Data Analysis And Optimization Can Drive Higher Quality Leads And a Bigger ROI

In today’s modern, digital world, there is perhaps no better way to drive higher quality leads, increase sales from existing customers and generate...
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The 9 Biggest Benefits of Lead Generation For Your Business

Any business, operating in any vertical, can only grow their top line in one of two ways, and there will never be a...
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6 Ways Contact Center Managers Can Increase ROI

The ultimate goal of every contact center business is to expand its customer base and boost per-customer spending. While many traditional efforts have...
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With Enrollment at Colleges and Universities Down Big Now’s the Time For Proper Lead Gen

College enrollment offices across the country are experiencing a calamitous trend. New and returning student enrollment numbers are bad. And they’re probably going...
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