Two Quick Ways to Analyze Your Website Visitors to Increase Sales

You’re probably already using a website data analysis tool like Google Analytics. And once a week or so, you might review at least some of the data the platform provides. But unless you know exactly what to look for, a simple glance every now and then will not provide you with enough actionable information about your website visitors to help you increase sales.

Now, if you already employ an in-house data analyst, or have partnered with a professional data analytics company like Conversion Media Group, you know how important website visitor data is, and how by correctly analyzing and optimizing it, you could be sitting on a virtual gold mine.

But even if you don’t have a partnership with a professional analytics company like CMG, or a dedicated (and expensive) analytics employee, these two quick and simple ways to analyze your website visitors will certainly help you.

Today we’ll share with you these two quick ways to analyze your data to help increase sales. Of course, this will be a simple “scratch of the surface,” and a deeper analysis of your data will most certainly allow you to compound your results.

In a moment, we’ll share how you can dig much deeper, and convert visitors to buyers and new clients at a much higher rate.

First, here’s the two simple ways to analyze your website visitor data.

1) Identify the visitors who are “close” to converting

Obviously, you should pay attention to visitors who view a page or product multiple times. It means they’re highly interested in whatever’s on that page, be it a product, a service, or some great content. By staying on top of these visitors, you may be able to tweak your offer to entice them to convert before they go to a competitor’s site.

To identify “close to converting” visitors, at a minimum you need to look at the following data:

  • Time on site
  • Number of pages viewed
  • Number of times particular pages are visited
  • Pages currently being viewed
  • Products added to carts and either purchased or abandoned
  • Specific button clicks
  • How the visitor arrived (referrals, ads, organic, other?)

2) Know your anonymous visitors

Your website likely has more anonymous visitors than known visitors. Unless visitors have filled out forms or offered their personal data on some sort of offer, you really don’t know who they are.

But, by analyzing the same seven data points from above, you’ll be able to gather significant information about their intentions. Importantly, with anonymous visitors, you want to know how they got to your website.

Was it because of an advertisement? Organic traffic? Each and every “source” of your traffic should be segmented by Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) codes or other tracking codes so you can quickly identify where the visitors came from. A UTM code is a simple snippet code that you can add to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns and content. You can track 5 standard variants of UTM parameters: source, medium, campaign, term, and content. Dimensions you track via UTM codes show up in your analytics reports to give you a clearer insight into marketing performance.

Not only will this allow you to see what type of messaging is driving the most (and highest quality) traffic, but which channels are offering the best bang for your buck.

Lastly, be sure that your site is optimized for mobile traffic. While statistics vary to as high as 65%, according to currently at least 59% of your traffic is likely coming in from a mobile device.

With this information, you should be able to tailor offers to specific website visitor segments you create… to boost conversions.

As we said earlier, these two quick ways to analyze your data are just “surface scratchers,” but they’re simple enough for anyone to monitor and optimize for conversions.

However, in the world of deep data analytics, a world where Conversion Media Group excels, working with surface data alone will not allow you to fully maximize your advertising, marketing and lead gen efforts.

It’s why, for your business to truly succeed, you need to go much deeper. While hiring an in-house data analyst may not be the most cost-effective way to accomplish this…

Partnering with Conversion Media Group is!

Our dedicated staff of expert data analysts have one mission, and one mission alone…

To help you convert website visitors into buyers at the highest rate possible.

If you’re looking to learn more about your website visitors and want to increase conversions quickly and cost effectively, contact us today by calling 1-800-419-3201

Even if you already employ a data analyst, we’ll be more than happy to help them optimize all your data, from every channel, even if you choose not to partner with us.

Just call 1-800-419-3201 or email us today at [email protected]

Or you can drop us a message HERE

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