
adult learning
The Most Popular College Degrees… And Why Your School Should Be Offering Them Fully Online!
Only about 7% of US colleges are considered “primarily online” institutions. Yet, 42% of college students over the age of 30 are pursuing a fully online education. This means there is huge opportunity for primarily online colleges to grow; if they offer the programs that students are really looking for. Historical data from the National...
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Get Ready Now… The “Enrollment Cliff” May Be Coming Sooner Than We Thought
Back in April, we, Conversion Media Group published an eye-opening article titled “Data Show Big Opportunities for Fully Online Colleges” (available HERE). In that article, we highlighted how some online colleges may be faring quite well right now (and potentially into the future), despite the fact that we are expecting a large decline in America’s...
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An “All Hands on Deck” Approach to New Student Recruitment
Enrolling new college students, either on campus or online, isn’t as “easy” as it used to be. In fact, for the most part, overall college enrollments have been on a decade long decline. And, as Pew Research notes, those declines have resulted in roughly 1 million fewer students in the system since peak enrollment in...
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College Enrollment Stats and What New FAFSA Applications Could Mean for Your School
Are better days finally ahead for four-year college enrollments? New data seems to indicate, well… Maybe. According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, undergraduate college enrollment for spring 2024 grew by 359,000 students, or 2.5% over the previous spring.  This marks the first time enrollments have grown in consecutive semesters since the pandemic.
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8 Reasons Why Students Are Choosing Career-Based Educations Over Traditional College - And How Your School Can Attract More of Them! -
It’s no secret. Today, more recent high school grads are choosing a career-based education over traditional college. In fact, the National Student Clearinghouse says two-year, trade-based program enrollment increased by 16% last year.
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Prospective Students are Looking For “Something Different” … Give it To Them!
Times have changed. Many of today’s students want a different kind of experience in college than their parents had. Sure, the on-campus “lifestyle” with football games and parties is still desired by many, but we’ve been witnessing a huge shift in the priorities of potential college enrollees… And that shift can be seen in both...
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To show college student learning
The writing’s been on the wall for over a decade now. College enrollments, for the most part, have generally been on the decline for years. And for schools that only offer on-campus two-year, four-year and postgraduate degrees, the trend may be accelerating, and this is highly concerning.
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To shoe Gen Z students at college campus
If you’re operating a trade school, career-college or vocational/tech academy, the facts revealed in the headlines you’re about to read are probably something you’re already well aware of...
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