Prospective Students are Looking For “Something Different” … Give it To Them!

Prospective Students are Looking For “Something Different” … Give it To Them!

Times have changed. Many of today’s students want a different kind of experience in college than their parents had. Sure, the on-campus “lifestyle” with football games and parties is still desired by many, but we’ve been witnessing a huge shift in the priorities of potential college enrollees…

And that shift can be seen in both recent high school grads and adult learners alike. They want something different. And for most of them, that “something different” mostly comes down to cost.[1]

See, there’s a widespread perception among potential college enrollees that college is simply too expensive. In fact, a study, cited in NASFAA says, “that for U.S. adults without a college degree or credential, financial barriers are the biggest reasons why they aren’t currently enrolled in higher education.”


However, there is some good news. A CHLOE report has showed steady growth in enrollment across many institutions’ fully online programs. This, even as overall college enrollments have been on a decade long decline.[2]

Now, one reason that could potentially explain the growth in fully online enrollment is its cost competitiveness. shows an online degree could costs tens of thousands of dollars less than an in person degree.[3]

Yet, not enough potential students may know that online learning can be significantly less expensive than in-person learning. And that’s a barrier that we, Conversion Media Group, can help your institution overcome. 

You see, we speak with hundreds, sometimes thousands of potential students every week. And as you can imagine, they often cite the cost of college as a barrier to entry.


We can help remove barriers by educating them on “value” of earning an online degree. See, the prospects we speak with are highly intent on earning a degree, they just want to do it cost-effectively.

That’s where your online programs come in.

When a student prospect we’re talking with shows genuine interest in your school, or its online programs, we can connect them directly to your enrollment department, live while they’re still on the phone with us.

They’re called live transfer leads. More on this in just a moment.

First, a study conducted last spring, and highlighted in Statista shows, “the most popular factor for choosing online education was the affordability of the program, with 77 percent of respondents reporting this was one of their top three reasons. The second most popular factor was the reputation of the school or program.”[4]

Like we said earlier, students want value, and Conversion Media Group can help convey the value that your school offers, directly to them.

But what’s better, once they learn of the value of an online degree vs. an in-person one, we can transfer them directly to you as a live transfer lead.

You see, our job is to find prospective students for you. And find them we do. We have the ability to deliver perhaps thousands of live transfer leads every month straight into the phones at your enrollment department.

So, if you’re looking to stay ahead of the growing competition in the online college space, and are looking for a way to increase online enrollment at your institution, partner with Conversion Media Group

Prospective students are looking for “something different.”

When you partner with CMG, we can give it to them!

See exactly what Conversion Media Group can do for your enrollments by calling us today at 1-800-419-3201 or email us at [email protected].

[1] NASFAA | Survey: Financial Barriers Are Biggest Reasons Why People Don’t Enroll in Higher Education

[2] Two-thirds of colleges are adding online programs, survey finds | Higher Ed Dive

[3] Cost of Online Education vs. Traditional Education [2023]: Comparison (

[4] U.S. students’ reasons for online college selection 2023 | Statista

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