This two-Year Program Is a New “Sweet Spot”For Enrollment Efforts

To show college students

Over the past decade, a large percentage of traditional four-year institutions and even two year/community colleges have had difficulties either increasing or maintaining new student enrollment numbers.

However, for some institutions who offer specific trade programs, the enrollment numbers have been getting better… and for others, they’ve discovered a “sweet spot,” and their enrollment growth has been fantastic.

Get this, according to Higher Ed Dive, “In 2022, community colleges faced an average 8.2% decline in enrollment across all majors…

“But by comparison, enrollment in Construction Trades programs grew by 13.5% from the previous year. – ranking second among all fields in growth. In 2023, construction continues to see an above-average rate of enrollment.”[1]

So, if your trade school or community college offers construction programs, you may have experienced a strong uptick in enrollments.

But… if you’re not seeing the demand for an education in construction boost your new student numbers, you may need to adjust your marketing strategy.

Conversion Media Group, a national leader in trade school and community college enrollment initiatives can help. In a moment, we’ll share with you one surprisingly effective way you could boost enrollments in your construction programs, or any of your programs for that matter.

First, why are construction programs in such high demand?

Well, according to the National Center for Construction Education and Research, “the construction craft workforce is aging, with the average age of craft workers in 2020 being 41.9 years. For reference, the U.S. Census shows the average age of a U.S. citizen to be 38.5 years. If the current aging rate continues, in 2030 the average age of the craft workforce will be greater than 46 years old.”[2]

Or, more simply put, there aren’t enough new construction professionals entering the field to bring the average age down… and too many are retiring.

Now, the Associated Builders and Contractors says, construction worker shortages will reach at least a half a million people this year.[3]

As a result of the shortage of construction professionals, wages have been on the rise… and non-traditional students have taken notice.

With a shortage of workers and an increase in pay, construction is now in big demand.

It’s why we’ve seen such a dramatic increase in construction school enrollments. Now, if your school offers construction programs but has not seen a strong increase in new students, or you simply want even more new enrollees, Conversion Media Group can help.

You see, we are in continual contact with prospective students who are seriously considering trade schools as an option to launch a new career. Many of whom are specifically interested in attending construction school.

As a national leader in driving new trade school enrollments, we speak to thousands of prospective students nearly every single day of the work week. And by “speaking” with them, we mean it.

You see, CMG is the owner and operator of US-based contact centers. Contact centers whose highly trained agents digitally and verbally communicate with prospective students to learn what it is that they really want in an education.

Now, as we said earlier, we’re going to share with you one surprisingly effective way you could boost enrollments in your construction programs, or any of your programs for that matter…

And this is called live transfers.

Live transfers are prospective students we have on the phone (live) who are interested in your programs. The moment they’re ready to take the next step, we transfer the call (while they’re still on the phone) directly to your enrollment representatives.

Because of our live conversations, we’re able to help drive qualified leads for almost any program, at almost any volume.

And best of all, it doesn’t really matter where your school is located. You see, because of the number of live conversations we have with prospective students, nationwide…

We could potentially increase your enrollments by 50, 100, 1,000 new students or more. It all depends on how many new enrollments you’re looking for.

It’s our expertise.

So, If you’re interested in learning more about how Conversion Media Group can drive qualified education leads, applications, and enrollments to your institution – call one of our education specialists today at: (+1) 800 419 3201.

Or you can contact us HERE, and an enrollment expert will get back with you as soon as possible.

[1] The new secret to boosting college enrollment | Higher Ed Dive

[2] construction-workforce-age-progression.pdf (

[3] News Releases | Construction Workforce Shortage Tops Half a Milli (

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