New Data Show Why Marketing Your School On YouTube Shorts is A Must

To show digital marketing

You’d better be quick. Attention spans are dropping and your opportunity to get your message across to your target audience has shrunk to an all-time low. Today, people demand very short, informative, and fun content; content, even marketing content, that’s no longer than a minute long.

And new, not-so-surprising data out of UC Irvine proves it.

Conversion Media Group, a national leader in higher education enrollment initiatives has dug through these data and have discovered some rather interesting facts. Facts you can take advantage of to help boost enrollments at your institution.

So, let’s get to it. Statistics show, remarkably, that our attention spans have fallen by a whopping 68% in just the past two decades. It’s true. Now, we’re not going to go into the “why” attention spans have fallen; for our purposes, the “why” doesn’t matter. But the utilization of the facts does.

Gloria Mark, a professor at UC Irvine, proved the alarming 68% drop in attention span by conducting an experiment in the early 2000s, then repeating the same experiment twenty-some-odd years later.

The experiment? Put people in front of an electronic device and see how long they can stay singularly focused. The results showed that, on average, a person had a 2.5-minute attention span back then.

Fast forward 20 years and the same experiment showed the average consumer can stay singularly focused… for just 47 seconds.[1]

Again, the “why” doesn’t matter. But the how to take advantage does.

Now, chances are your school, whether it be a traditional college, an online only college, a trade or vocational school or a certification academy is already creating and marketing video content.

You may already be using TikTok and Instagram and perhaps even using longer form YouTube videos to attract new prospective students. Afterall video marketing is essential to grow your student body (in a moment we’ll show you perhaps a far more effective strategy).

But before we show you a better strategy, now’s the time to seriously consider creating branding videos for YouTube shorts. Like we said earlier, the average attention span on an electronic device has dropped to just 47 seconds…

And research has shown that 68% of teens (future prospective students) use YouTube. Of this group, just 66% use TikTok and 62% use Instagram.[2]

Meaning a higher percentage of future students are on YouTube than the other two platforms… but still want to consume information in short form, i.e. about 47 seconds.

That’s where your YouTube shorts come in… They’re almost perfectly formatted for this demo. A YouTube short is between 15 and 60 seconds long and is on the main YouTube platform, the platform where the prospects are.

So, your institution should consider creating short video content that’s chock full of entertaining “information” about your school or programs… and post on YouTube shorts.

It’s a no-brainer way to help “brand” your school to future students.

However, branding for the future will not get new students in your seats today. That’s where Conversion Media Group comes in.

See, we’ve already put in the time (and marketing dollars) to create future students and we’re prepared to hand them off directly to your school.

In fact, our prospect nurturing funnel means we can hand off ready to act prospects directly to your enrollment department…

While we have them live on the phone!

Meaning you don’t have to rely solely on years of “branding” your school to attract new students. We’ve already put in all the hard work.

We call these “handoffs” live transfers. And, because of the number of prospective students we speak with (we own and operate US-based contact centers), we’re able to help drive qualified live transfer leads for almost any school or program, at almost any volume.

Whether you need 50, 100, 1,000 new students or more, Conversion Media Group can help you reach your enrollment goals.

It’s our expertise.

So, if you’re ready to learn more about how Conversion Media Group can drive qualified education leads, applications, and enrollments to your institution…

Call one of our education specialists today at: (+1) 800 419 3201.

Or you can contact us HERE, and a career education enrollment expert will get back with you as soon as possible.

[1] Why Our Attention Spans Seem to Be Getting Shorter | TIME

[2] The Top Social Media And Digital Marketing Trends To Watch In 2024 (

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