Does Email Marketing Still Work?

To show email marketing

The first ever email marketing blast was sent 45 years ago. In 1978, Gary Thuerk, a computer salesmen at Digital Equipment Corp. discovered a new way to reach potential clients. It was called Arpanet, a precursor to the internet.

Being in the computer business, Mr. Thuerk learned about Arpanet and its new communication capabilities and decided to see if it could be used to help him sell his products.

So, the foresighted salesman he was, he compiled a “list” of potential clients he found to have Arpanet accounts, then send them a marketing message directly to their “inboxes.”

His list had only 400 prospective buyers on it, remarkable for the time, but the likelihood of a huge success was pretty slim, right?


That single marketing email, the first one ever sent, generated $13 million in sales, or about $79 million in today’s dollars.[1] That’s one heck of a good ROI!

Today, approximately 333.2 billion emails are sent daily, or over 3.5 million emails every second. Many of which are marketing emails.[2]

But… with email inboxes getting flooded with all kinds of messages, and marketing emails often getting segmented into separate inboxes, it begs the question: Does email marketing still work?

The answer is a resounding yes… especially for generating highly qualified higher-education leads… and converting them into new students!

Conversion Media Group knows digital marketing. We’re an industry leader in generating, nurturing, and delivering high-intent adult learners directly into the enrollment departments of institutions of higher education.

Today, we want to share 10 facts that prove email marketing still works, and why you should incorporate email marketing into your higher-ed lead gen efforts:[3]

  • Email marketing has an average ROI of 4,400%
  • Between 10am and 11am is the best time to send email.
  • Over 30% of marketers say email works best for lead nurturing.
  • Smaller, segmented email lists deliver the best click-through-rates at 5.3%.
  • The average email open rate for clean lists across all industries, is 20%
  • 99% of email users check their email daily.
  • Welcome emails generate 4X more opens.
  • Tuesday is the best day to send marketing emails.
  • By the end of this year, there will be 4.3 billion email users worldwide.
  • 60% of consumers made a purchase after seeing a related marketing email.

Does email marketing still work? You bet it does!

Conversion Media Group specializes in higher-ed lead generation, lead nurturing and conversions. We’re in constant email contact (along with SMS text, social media, and live phone conversations) with thousands of high-intent adult learners every day.

With our deep knowledge of all digital marketing media, and the utilization of our owned and operated US-based contact centers, we have the ability to generate 2,000 highly qualified leads plus 300 live transfers – prospective students we have on the phone, ready to talk with you – directly to your enrollment representatives, every business day of the week.

So, if you’re looking to boost your enrollments and are capable of handling a massive number of new prospects right now, or simply want to fill your new student pipeline for upcoming semesters, we’re ready to deliver!

Simply contact us HERE, or call (+1) 800 419 3201 to speak with one of our higher education lead-generation specialists today.

[1] 7 Surprising Facts About the History of Email Marketing (

[2] How Many Emails Are Sent Per Day in 2023? (NEW Data) (

[3] 40+ Email Marketing Statistics You Need to Know for 2023 (

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