
Lead Gen
to show a contact center
Most businesses that utilize contact centers do so for two basic reasons: customer service or customer acquisition. For those businesses using a contact center for customer service, an offshore or near-shore call center, while not optimal, may be sufficient.
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Image shows how frustrating it can be when leads don't convert
Ask any business and they’ll tell you the only thing more important than lead generation is lead conversion. And it’s clear why: Conversions mean new revenue, and new revenue means new sources of profit.
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If you’re in the career and technical education (CTE) space, now may be the best time in decades to boost your enrollments. With millions of skilled jobs available in the employment market, and a massive influx of adult learners looking to increase their labor value, career education has become the go-to space for millions of...
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Both the higher-ed and employment landscapes are quickly changing. As Harvard Business Review recently put it, “skills-based hiring is on the rise.” Employers are now focusing less on a candidate’s traditional education, and more on their skillsets. Not so coincidentally, job seekers are focusing less on obtaining traditional four-year degrees, and more on obtaining micro...
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Facts from the National Bureau of Economic Research show that in times of economic downturns, there’s traditionally been a marked increase in enrollment at institutions of higher education. But it’s not new high school grads who make up the bulk of new enrollees in downturns, it’s adult learners.
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The stock market is in shambles, prices of many consumer goods continue to rise, interest rates are skyrocketing, and home prices are collapsing. According to a recent article published in Bloomberg, economists now place a 70% chance of an economic recession hitting this year.
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Lead generation, and the conversion of those leads, is the lifeblood of nearly every business. Of course, the better the quality of leads you have, the better your conversions and ROI. But if you don’t know how to precisely measure the following conversion metrics, your efforts could be falling flat, leaving you spending far more...
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Spring enrollment is just around the corner. By now, your institution, whether you’re a trade school, tech academy, vocational school, career college or bootcamp, should be nearing the point where all of your available upcoming “slots” are filled.
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In the 1996 cult classic, “Swingers,” starring Vince Vaughan and Jon Favreau, the question of when to first contact a “qualified lead” is raised in a rather hilarious way.
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According to the most current 2022 term-enrollment estimates from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (NSCRC), overall student enrollment at colleges and universities continues to drop. Total postsecondary enrollment fell to 16.2 million students in the spring, representing a student body decline of 685,000, or 4.1%, over the previous year.
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