
More FAFSA Headaches Coming Our Way
Check out these headlines. “Experts Fear ‘Catastrophic’ College Declines Thanks to Botched FAFSA Rollout”– US News & World Report[1] “FAFSA glitches and delays leave students, states, institutions in limbo” – The Washington Post[2] “What the heck is happening with college financial aid this year?” – CNN[3] “FAFSA applications drop by 40% as U.S. struggles to fix botched...
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Additional Oversight: Is the US Department of Education Overstepping Its Bounds?
The college and university system in the United States, including many primarily online institutions, has been having a tough go for over a decade now. Overall new student enrollment has been trending down, roughly 30% of traditional freshmen drop out before year-2, tuition costs have skyrocketed over 1,300% since the late 1970’s… And now the...
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Marketing Your School to Prospective Trade School Students… By Overcoming Misperceptions
Here’s the good news… There’s massive interest among recent high school grads (and adults alike) in entering the trades. In fact, 47% are interested in trade-based careers…[1] And 73% of Gen Z respect skilled trade careers nearly as much as they respect careers in medicine.[2] But… There’s also some not so good news. See, as...
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To show college students
Every business needs more customers to grow. This is perhaps no more apparent than in the business of higher education. Since most students are not lifetime “customers”, it’s of utmost importance for schools to continue to fill their pipeline with new prospects.
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To show lead generation
Any school, offering any programs, can only increase their enrollments in one of two ways, and there will likely never be a third way. You can either reenroll old students, or enroll new, first timers.
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