
January 2023
Five years’ worth of data now reveal which trades are the most searched in each state. This means that if your institution offers a skills-based education, you should be focusing your new student enrollment efforts on where your potential new students live and offer them what they’re looking for!
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The stock market is in shambles, prices of many consumer goods continue to rise, interest rates are skyrocketing, and home prices are collapsing. According to a recent article published in Bloomberg, economists now place a 70% chance of an economic recession hitting this year.
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Hiring a contact center to generate education leads to boost enrollment at your higher education facility can be a daunting task. You may be considering the differences in pricing, differences in the locations (US vs near-shore vs off-shore) and the differences in lead quality the contact center has promised you.
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Lead generation, and the conversion of those leads, is the lifeblood of nearly every business. Of course, the better the quality of leads you have, the better your conversions and ROI. But if you don’t know how to precisely measure the following conversion metrics, your efforts could be falling flat, leaving you spending far more...
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