
August 2023
If you’re considering hiring a “call center” to help your business generate high quality leads, you’re going to want to do some research first. Because, as you’ll quickly find, not all “call centers” are created equal. Yet, some of them will gladly partner with you without fully informing you of what they’re actually capable of...
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To show social media icons
In today’s world, social media offers businesses a quick and effective way to reach current and prospective customers.
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To show online college student
Student demands are changing. Now, more than ever, today’s students, whether they be new high school grads or adult learners, want something different from higher education. Drastically different. And with four-year college enrollments on a decade long decline, it’s time for institutions to listen.
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To show college education
In the year prior to the pandemic, the percentage of recent high school graduates who enrolled in college was a fairly robust 66.2%. Although total enrollment has been on the decline for over a decade, this figure was still relatively strong.
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To show a Tiktok being made
$226 billion. That’s how much money businesses are expected to spend on social media platforms this year, up 30% over 2022[1]. This is a staggering amount of money when you consider that’s about $30 worth of ads for every single person on the planet.
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