
8 Reasons Why Students Are Choosing Career-Based Educations Over Traditional College - And How Your School Can Attract More of Them! -
It’s no secret. Today, more recent high school grads are choosing a career-based education over traditional college. In fact, the National Student Clearinghouse says two-year, trade-based program enrollment increased by 16% last year.
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To shoe employees displaying marketing strategies
More students mean more revenue. And chances are, you could use more students, and more revenue. So, if you’re looking to fill more seats or to create a waiting list, the following 7 marketing tips could help you achieve those goals…
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The National Center for Education Statistics says that 53% of all US college students were enrolled in at least one online course during the 2022-2023 academic year. Notably, that same year, 26% of all college students were enrolled in a fully online degree program.
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To show online college
The National Center for Education Statistics says that 53% of all US college students were enrolled in at least one online course during the 2022-2023 academic year. Notably, that same year, 26% of all college students were enrolled in a fully online degree program.
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To show contact center
Not all contact centers are created equally. Some are located offshore, some only operate as customer service arms of businesses, while others have no specialty at all… And few are proficient at generating new leads at the rate you need.
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To show differing success rates
2023 was a great year for lead generation and conversions. Many CMG clients, especially those in higher education, saw fantastic lead generation and conversion results, and an increase in new student enrollments.  But while 2023 was a good year, Conversion Media Group partners may very well expect to 2024 to be just as good… or...
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To show income growth
No matter what business or vertical you operate in, you know the importance of digital marketing.
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To show online communication
When it comes to digital marketing, video is king. Today, more than 40% of all US internet users watch online videos, every day. What’s more, 53% of the key 18-34 demographic for higher education consumes internet video content, every day.
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To show data
Data is digital gold. And the more data you have, the richer your business could become. It’s estimated that the internet contains 5 million terabytes of data… about the same amount of information contained in 5-10 trillion books.
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