
To show a trade school/career college
Is your enrollment department flooded with new students? Or are students going to your competitors’ schools instead? If they’re enrolling with the competition, and not you, there may be a big reason why. Your competitors are better at marketing their product.
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To show a call center employee
Call centers and contact centers may seem like interchangeable terms. However, as you’re about to see, they are quite distinct. Each one functions differently, has employees with vastly different skillsets, and offers businesses specific solutions to specific problems.
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To show email marketing
Today, we want to share 10 facts that prove email marketing still works, and why you should incorporate email marketing into your higher-ed lead gen efforts.
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To show alternative college
For over a decade now, colleges and universities have been experiencing a massive “brain-drain” across the system. Today, as the National Student Clearinghouse notes, there are 2.4 million fewer students attending traditional four-year programs than there were in 2011.
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to show a contact center
Most businesses that utilize contact centers do so for two basic reasons: customer service or customer acquisition. For those businesses using a contact center for customer service, an offshore or near-shore call center, while not optimal, may be sufficient.
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To show a typical 4 year private university
For well over a decade now, colleges and universities have seen enrollment numbers plummet. In fact, between the fall semester of 2012 and the fall of 2022, enrollments dropped by roughly 1.9 million students, or almost 10%.
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To introduce a theme of the infographic: online education
With so many technological advancements now taking hold, and the needs and desires of adult learners quickly changing, there are a number of trends that career educators should be aware of for 2023. By staying on top of these trends and utilizing a powerful enrollment boosting technique, you can assure your institution has a banner...
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Image shows how frustrating it can be when leads don't convert
Ask any business and they’ll tell you the only thing more important than lead generation is lead conversion. And it’s clear why: Conversions mean new revenue, and new revenue means new sources of profit.
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If you’re in the career and technical education (CTE) space, now may be the best time in decades to boost your enrollments. With millions of skilled jobs available in the employment market, and a massive influx of adult learners looking to increase their labor value, career education has become the go-to space for millions of...
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Both the higher-ed and employment landscapes are quickly changing. As Harvard Business Review recently put it, “skills-based hiring is on the rise.” Employers are now focusing less on a candidate’s traditional education, and more on their skillsets. Not so coincidentally, job seekers are focusing less on obtaining traditional four-year degrees, and more on obtaining micro...
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