
live transfer
To show students doing online school
The numbers don’t lie. There are roughly 2,500 colleges and universities in the US that offer at least some online learning. And, as of 2022, over 10 million college students were enrolled in at least one online course, a 64% increase over 2010
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To show college student learning
The writing’s been on the wall for over a decade now. College enrollments, for the most part, have generally been on the decline for years. And for schools that only offer on-campus two-year, four-year and postgraduate degrees, the trend may be accelerating, and this is highly concerning.
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To shoe Gen Z students at college campus
If you’re operating a trade school, career-college or vocational/tech academy, the facts revealed in the headlines you’re about to read are probably something you’re already well aware of...
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To show college professor and students
Today’s prospective college students know that college has become expensive, not all college majors are created equal, there are plenty of alternatives to a four-year degree, student loans can be incredibly burdensome

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To show content creator
Did you know that 64.4% of all TikTok users are between the ages of 20 and 49? It’s true. What was once a platform for kids to show off their dance skills has become a dominant force to entertain adults

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To show digital marketing strategies
No matter what kind of institution of higher education you operate, chances are you need more students. And, as you well know, tuition may likely be your primary (if not only) source of revenue. More students mean more revenue.
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To show welding in technical school
It’s almost spring. High school seniors around the country have begun narrowing down their choices for a post-secondary education and are preparing for the next stage in their lives. It also happens to be Career and Technical Education Month, a fantastic time for postsecondary CTE schools to market themselves to new prospective students.
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To show digital marketing
The facts are startling. This year alone, nearly $600 billion will be spent on digital advertising. And by 2032, just 8 short years from now, that figure is expected to surpass $1.25 trillion.
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To show trade school
You may have seen it. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps a million or more of us certainly did. Episode 326 of South Park. It was a “special” episode highlighting the desperate need for skilled labor in the US workforce. It premiered on October 27. The special went something like this: The town’s “educated” professionals cannot perform...
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To show business people having meeting
It’s become clear. There is an urgent need for students to consider a technical or career-based education. Our economy is desperately short of skilled workers and now the government has finally taken note. Earlier this month (Nov.) leaders in higher ed, the government and workforce development came together in Norfolk, VA to conduct a CTE...
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