It’s become clear. There is an urgent need for students to consider a technical or career-based education. Our economy is desperately short of skilled workers and now the government has finally taken note. Earlier this month (Nov.) leaders in higher ed, the government and workforce development came together in Norfolk, VA to conduct a CTE...Read More
Every business needs more customers to grow. This is perhaps no more apparent than in the business of higher education. Since most students are not lifetime “customers”, it’s of utmost importance for schools to continue to fill their pipeline with new prospects.Read More
Any school, offering any programs, can only increase their enrollments in one of two ways, and there will likely never be a third way. You can either reenroll old students, or enroll new, first timers.Read More
The world is constantly changing, and so are the needs and desires of today’s prospective career-college/CTE students. And because of these changes, it’s important for your institution to pay close attention to what’s going on…Read More
The numbers are striking. Four million fewer teenagers enrolled in college last year than did in 2012.[1] This, even as the population of US teenagers has grown over the past decade.Read More
Over the past decade, a large percentage of traditional four-year institutions and even two year/community colleges have had difficulties either increasing or maintaining new student enrollment numbers.Read More
If you’re considering hiring a “call center” to help your business generate high quality leads, you’re going to want to do some research first. Because, as you’ll quickly find, not all “call centers” are created equal. Yet, some of them will gladly partner with you without fully informing you of what they’re actually capable of...Read More
In the year prior to the pandemic, the percentage of recent high school graduates who enrolled in college was a fairly robust 66.2%. Although total enrollment has been on the decline for over a decade, this figure was still relatively strong.Read More
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