
certificate program
To show college student learning
The writingā€™s been on the wall for over a decade now. College enrollments, for the most part, have generally been on the decline for years. And for schools that only offer on-campus two-year, four-year and postgraduate degrees, the trend may be accelerating, and this is highly concerning.
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To show digital marketing
Youā€™d better be quick. Attention spans are dropping and your opportunity to get your message across to your target audience has shrunk to an all-time low. Today, people demand very short, informative, and fun content; content, even marketing content, thatā€™s no longer than a minute long.
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Earlier this year, Georgetown Universityā€™s Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW) released a research report on the benefits of a higher education.[1] For many professionals in higher ed, the results were quite obvious. Students who pursue (and complete) a ā€œtraditionalā€ bachelorā€™s degree program generally have much better jobs-related outcomes than those who do not.
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To show college students at university
Itā€™s no secret that many traditional colleges and universities have been struggling with enrollments for over a decade now. In fact, itā€™s gotten so difficult that some institutions have either had to cut degree programs or close down all together. But recent data on enrollment numbers have given many institutions a glimmer of hope.
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