
boost enrollment
Countercyclical Demand… Will College Enrollments Soon Rebound?
In 1992, political strategist James Carville famously quipped, “it’s the economy, stupid,” to prove a political point that Americans are more concerned about their wallets than just about any other issue. And he was right. At the time, our economy was just emerging from recession, leaving many households struggling to pay bills as unemployment reached...
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Additional Oversight: Is the US Department of Education Overstepping Its Bounds?
The college and university system in the United States, including many primarily online institutions, has been having a tough go for over a decade now. Overall new student enrollment has been trending down, roughly 30% of traditional freshmen drop out before year-2, tuition costs have skyrocketed over 1,300% since the late 1970’s… And now the...
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The Most Popular College Degrees… And Why Your School Should Be Offering Them Fully Online!
Only about 7% of US colleges are considered “primarily online” institutions. Yet, 42% of college students over the age of 30 are pursuing a fully online education. This means there is huge opportunity for primarily online colleges to grow; if they offer the programs that students are really looking for. Historical data from the National...
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Nearly One a Week… That’s How Many Colleges Are Closing Down
Research from EY Pantheon shows that nearly 10% of all four-year colleges and universities are in serious financial peril.[1] Further, the Hechinger Report says that, already this year, one college or university per week says it will either close or merge.[2] This, up from two per month last year; a doubling. Clearly, higher education is...
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An “All Hands on Deck” Approach to New Student Recruitment
Enrolling new college students, either on campus or online, isn’t as “easy” as it used to be. In fact, for the most part, overall college enrollments have been on a decade long decline. And, as Pew Research notes, those declines have resulted in roughly 1 million fewer students in the system since peak enrollment in...
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8 Reasons Why Students Are Choosing Career-Based Educations Over Traditional College - And How Your School Can Attract More of Them! -
It’s no secret. Today, more recent high school grads are choosing a career-based education over traditional college. In fact, the National Student Clearinghouse says two-year, trade-based program enrollment increased by 16% last year.
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Prospective Students are Looking For “Something Different” … Give it To Them!
Times have changed. Many of today’s students want a different kind of experience in college than their parents had. Sure, the on-campus “lifestyle” with football games and parties is still desired by many, but we’ve been witnessing a huge shift in the priorities of potential college enrollees… And that shift can be seen in both...
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