
Adult Learning
To show woman in college
The gap is widening. Today, a whopping 60% of undergrad students enrolled in institutions of traditional higher education identify as female
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To show data
Data is digital gold. And the more data you have, the richer your business could become. It’s estimated that the internet contains 5 million terabytes of data… about the same amount of information contained in 5-10 trillion books.
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To show lead generation
Let’s assume you have killer sales reps… a team of great openers, and awesome closers. Now think about how much money you’ve invested in generating new leads for them to convert. Then, consider the other side of the coin. The side of the coin where the actual leads are.
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To show college students
Over the past decade, a large percentage of traditional four-year institutions and even two year/community colleges have had difficulties either increasing or maintaining new student enrollment numbers.
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If you’re considering hiring a “call center” to help your business generate high quality leads, you’re going to want to do some research first. Because, as you’ll quickly find, not all “call centers” are created equal. Yet, some of them will gladly partner with you without fully informing you of what they’re actually capable of...
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To show social media icons
In today’s world, social media offers businesses a quick and effective way to reach current and prospective customers.
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To show college education
In the year prior to the pandemic, the percentage of recent high school graduates who enrolled in college was a fairly robust 66.2%. Although total enrollment has been on the decline for over a decade, this figure was still relatively strong.
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To show a Tiktok being made
$226 billion. That’s how much money businesses are expected to spend on social media platforms this year, up 30% over 2022[1]. This is a staggering amount of money when you consider that’s about $30 worth of ads for every single person on the planet.
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To show college graduate
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, there were 14 million college students (75% of them) enrolled online during the height of the pandemic.
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To show college student
Colleges are in crisis. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, total U.S. enrollment topped out a decade ago with about 18.1 million students. Today, there are about 2.5 million fewer students in the system. This, while U.S. Census data show our overall population has grown by 23 million during the same timeframe
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