
Lead Gen
To show graduate, soon to be alumni
In the world of sales and marketing, your best customers are the ones you already have. For institutions of higher education, this means your alumni. While your graduates will not likely re-enroll (unless it’s for an advanced degree or additional course continuation), they are an invaluable resource you should be leveraging to motivate new potential...
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To show video marketing in action
Video is king. Today, 91% of businesses are using video as part of their marketing programs, the highest percentage of businesses using this media (including TV) ever. And nearly 90% of marketers believe that video has a definitive and strong impact on sales. This too is an all-time high
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To show college students
Universities are in crisis mode. From 2019 to 2022, undergraduate enrollment at four-year institutions dropped by 8%. Further, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there has been no greater 5-year slide in the college-going rate, on record.
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To show digital marketing strategy
It’s 2023 and every business now knows that digital marketing can be a primary growth driver. When done correctly, digital marketing can generate new leads, new customers, and new revenues, cost effectively. It’s no wonder why a recent survey from The CMO showed that most businesses have upped their digital marketing budgets by 16% this...
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To show a man looking at sales
No matter what kind of business you’re in, growing your customer base is paramount to success. Simply put, if you sell widgets, you need more widget buyers… if you are an institution of higher education, you need more student
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To show adult learning
Recent data released by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center show spring semester enrollments, across all sectors of higher ed, were flat compared to spring 2022. However, some institutions fared better than others.
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To show social media marketing
It’s no secret. Social media has become a major part of the higher education marketing ecosystem. Today more than ever, trade schools, career colleges, tech academies, vocational schools and traditional four-year colleges must embrace and master social media marketing to assure robust enrollment.
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To show a trade school/career college
Is your enrollment department flooded with new students? Or are students going to your competitors’ schools instead? If they’re enrolling with the competition, and not you, there may be a big reason why. Your competitors are better at marketing their product.
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To show email marketing
Today, we want to share 10 facts that prove email marketing still works, and why you should incorporate email marketing into your higher-ed lead gen efforts.
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To show alternative college
For over a decade now, colleges and universities have been experiencing a massive “brain-drain” across the system. Today, as the National Student Clearinghouse notes, there are 2.4 million fewer students attending traditional four-year programs than there were in 2011.
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