
Customer Engagement
Could These Degree Offerings Be the Next Revenue Boon For Online Colleges and Universities?
691 million. That’s the number of Google search results for the various versions of “online degree in ai.” 691 million! Considering the first bachelor’s degree program in AI was launched just six years ago at Carnegie Mellon, this is an astounding level of interest. It’s especially astounding considering the “online” aspect of the Google search...
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Graduate Degree Program Enrollment May Tumble Unless…
For over a decade, graduate degree programs have been a cash cow for colleges and universities. Between 2010 and 2021, overall enrollments in graduate school programs grew by a robust 9%; this, as undergrad enrollment plummeted 15%.[1] But even though graduate program enrollments have been quite strong, and have been a godsend for struggling institutions,...
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More FAFSA Headaches Coming Our Way
Check out these headlines. “Experts Fear ‘Catastrophic’ College Declines Thanks to Botched FAFSA Rollout”– US News & World Report[1] “FAFSA glitches and delays leave students, states, institutions in limbo” – The Washington Post[2] “What the heck is happening with college financial aid this year?” – CNN[3] “FAFSA applications drop by 40% as U.S. struggles to fix botched...
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Additional Oversight: Is the US Department of Education Overstepping Its Bounds?
The college and university system in the United States, including many primarily online institutions, has been having a tough go for over a decade now. Overall new student enrollment has been trending down, roughly 30% of traditional freshmen drop out before year-2, tuition costs have skyrocketed over 1,300% since the late 1970’s… And now the...
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Get Ready Now… The “Enrollment Cliff” May Be Coming Sooner Than We Thought
Back in April, we, Conversion Media Group published an eye-opening article titled “Data Show Big Opportunities for Fully Online Colleges” (available HERE). In that article, we highlighted how some online colleges may be faring quite well right now (and potentially into the future), despite the fact that we are expecting a large decline in America’s...
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8 Reasons Why Students Are Choosing Career-Based Educations Over Traditional College - And How Your School Can Attract More of Them! -
It’s no secret. Today, more recent high school grads are choosing a career-based education over traditional college. In fact, the National Student Clearinghouse says two-year, trade-based program enrollment increased by 16% last year.
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Prospective Students are Looking For “Something Different” … Give it To Them!
Times have changed. Many of today’s students want a different kind of experience in college than their parents had. Sure, the on-campus “lifestyle” with football games and parties is still desired by many, but we’ve been witnessing a huge shift in the priorities of potential college enrollees… And that shift can be seen in both...
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To shoe employees displaying marketing strategies
More students mean more revenue. And chances are, you could use more students, and more revenue. So, if you’re looking to fill more seats or to create a waiting list, the following 7 marketing tips could help you achieve those goals…
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To show college student learning
The writing’s been on the wall for over a decade now. College enrollments, for the most part, have generally been on the decline for years. And for schools that only offer on-campus two-year, four-year and postgraduate degrees, the trend may be accelerating, and this is highly concerning.
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The National Center for Education Statistics says that 53% of all US college students were enrolled in at least one online course during the 2022-2023 academic year. Notably, that same year, 26% of all college students were enrolled in a fully online degree program.
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