
An “All Hands on Deck” Approach to New Student Recruitment
Enrolling new college students, either on campus or online, isn’t as “easy” as it used to be. In fact, for the most part, overall college enrollments have been on a decade long decline. And, as Pew Research notes, those declines have resulted in roughly 1 million fewer students in the system since peak enrollment in...
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Social Media Marketing: Pay Attention to These Metrics to Assure Better Campaign Performance
Nearly 3 out of every four Americans use social media. That’s almost 250 million of us. What’s more, roughly 90% of all US adults have social media accounts.
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College Enrollment Stats and What New FAFSA Applications Could Mean for Your School
Are better days finally ahead for four-year college enrollments? New data seems to indicate, well… Maybe. According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, undergraduate college enrollment for spring 2024 grew by 359,000 students, or 2.5% over the previous spring.  This marks the first time enrollments have grown in consecutive semesters since the pandemic.
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8 Reasons Why Students Are Choosing Career-Based Educations Over Traditional College - And How Your School Can Attract More of Them! -
It’s no secret. Today, more recent high school grads are choosing a career-based education over traditional college. In fact, the National Student Clearinghouse says two-year, trade-based program enrollment increased by 16% last year.
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Marketing Your School to Prospective Trade School Students… By Overcoming Misperceptions
Here’s the good news… There’s massive interest among recent high school grads (and adults alike) in entering the trades. In fact, 47% are interested in trade-based careers…[1] And 73% of Gen Z respect skilled trade careers nearly as much as they respect careers in medicine.[2] But… There’s also some not so good news. See, as...
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To shoe employees displaying marketing strategies
More students mean more revenue. And chances are, you could use more students, and more revenue. So, if you’re looking to fill more seats or to create a waiting list, the following 7 marketing tips could help you achieve those goals…
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To show students doing online school
The numbers don’t lie. There are roughly 2,500 colleges and universities in the US that offer at least some online learning. And, as of 2022, over 10 million college students were enrolled in at least one online course, a 64% increase over 2010
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