
To show a career educator
The numbers are striking. Four million fewer teenagers enrolled in college last year than did in 2012.[1] This, even as the population of US teenagers has grown over the past decade.
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To show social media icons
In today’s world, social media offers businesses a quick and effective way to reach current and prospective customers.
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To show college graduate
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, there were 14 million college students (75% of them) enrolled online during the height of the pandemic.
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To show college student
Colleges are in crisis. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, total U.S. enrollment topped out a decade ago with about 18.1 million students. Today, there are about 2.5 million fewer students in the system. This, while U.S. Census data show our overall population has grown by 23 million during the same timeframe
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The cat’s out of the bag. More and more high school grads and adult learners are turning to skilled trades and career educations over traditional four-year programs. 
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To show graduate, soon to be alumni
In the world of sales and marketing, your best customers are the ones you already have. For institutions of higher education, this means your alumni. While your graduates will not likely re-enroll (unless it’s for an advanced degree or additional course continuation), they are an invaluable resource you should be leveraging to motivate new potential...
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To show successful graduate
Sustaining and boosting enrollment at career colleges, trade schools and all other institutions of higher education is a science. As such, data has become incredibly important to the process.
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To show adult learning
Recent data released by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center show spring semester enrollments, across all sectors of higher ed, were flat compared to spring 2022. However, some institutions fared better than others.
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To show social media marketing
It’s no secret. Social media has become a major part of the higher education marketing ecosystem. Today more than ever, trade schools, career colleges, tech academies, vocational schools and traditional four-year colleges must embrace and master social media marketing to assure robust enrollment.
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To show successful graduation
And Why More Americans Are Doing This Instead It’s no secret, college is expensive. But just how expensive is it?... and have costs truly grown out of control? Well, According to the latest data, a four-year degree now costs an average 226% more money than it did in 1980.
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