Higher Education, A Year in Review

From the failed and delayed 24-25 FAFSA launch in the spring, to the successful and early 25-26 FAFSA launch in the fall…

From encouraging overall college enrollment growth numbers, to a title wave of college budget cuts and closures…

From the promise of student loan debt forgiveness, to the courts mostly thwarting the idea…

From a decline in college freshmen enrollment, to the birth of the toolbelt generation…

2024 has been a wild ride.

Today, Conversion Media Group, a national leader in higher education enrollment initiatives, will share some of our most thought provoking essays on the state of higher ed, and our most informative articles on how to best market online colleges, career colleges and trade schools. All of which we’ve published for our clients this year.

Below, you will find live links to each of the pieces we’ve published.

We will begin with our essays on the state of higher education:

And now, for some of our best higher ed marketing insights and tips of 2024…

As the year ends, we would like to thank our clients for their continued support and are grateful for your continued success.

Happy New Year.

Your Friends at Conversion Media Group.

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