6 Essential Lead Gen Metrics And How to Calculate Them

6 Essential Lead Gen Metrics And How to Calculate Them

Higher education is a business. But students don’t become lifetime “customers” of the schools they attend. So, to maintain and grow your “business”, you must fill your pipeline with new student leads, and convert those leads into new students.

Six Essential EDU Lead Generation Metrics

1: Time to Lead Generation – How long does it take for an initial website visitor to convert into a lead? Take the total time-on-site by first-time visitors and divide by the total number of leads generated from them.

2: Visitor to Lead Conversion Rate – How effective are you at converting site visitors into new student leads? Divide the total number of visitors by the total number of leads.

3: Cost Per Lead – How much money does it cost to turn a visitor into a lead? Take your advertising and marketing budget and divide it by the number of leads generated, per source.

4: Lead Value – What is the value of your leads? Take the total number of new students (conversions) and divide by the total number of leads from each ad/marketing source. Find value and continue targeting it.

5: Lead to Sales Rate – How effective are you at converting a lead into a student? Divide the number of converted leads by the total number of leads generated.

6: Lead-through-Funnel Rate – This rate measures your success at moving leads through your sales funnel/prospective student journey funnel. Divide the leads that have moved to a further point in your funnel by the total number of leads, then multiply by 100.

Want to economically generate high quality Edu leads?
Leads that convert into actual students?

Then give Conversion Media Group a call!