Is There Really “A Better Way” to Market Your School To New Prospective Students?

To show digital marketing

The facts are startling. This year alone, nearly $600 billion will be spent on digital advertising. And by 2032, just 8 short years from now, that figure is expected to surpass $1.25 trillion.[1]

That’s an incredible amount money fighting for the attention of a limited number of people… And for some, it’s becoming a very big problem.

You see, as more and more advertisers flood the digital marketplace with nonstop messaging and a seemingly endless supply of cash, grabbing the eyeballs of today’s consumer has become far more difficult than it used to be.

As a result, and you may have been experiencing this yourself, the costs associated with digitally advertising your institution and its programs have probably risen drastically… while returns (conversions) have likely diminished.

In fact, just a few years ago, you could have a Google Ads campaign running in the Edu space, and see clicks for perhaps $0.10…

Today, that same click costs an average of $4.10.[2]

And, in 2012, the overall average conversion rate for digital marketers was estimated at 8.2%. Today, it’s less than half that; in some cases, perhaps a tenth of that.[3]

This, even as targeting and messaging have become way more precise.

But like we said up top, more than double today’s money will be flooding into digital marketing by 2032.

And by the time that happens, the KPIs we see today may look like the “old days” by comparison.

Yes, It’s getting tough out there and it may only get tougher.

So, with so much competition in the digital space, ad costs rising and conversions dropping, you have to wonder if there’s a better way to market your school…

An alternative to the crowded digital marketing space.

Well, Conversion Media Group, a nationwide leader in higher ed enrollment initiatives believes that there is. In fact, we’re very confident that there is.


Don’t get us wrong, we’re big believers in digital marketing, and we know your school must be advertising itself online, regardless of competition. In today’s online world, it’s a must.

In fact, we’re digital marketers ourselves and use digital media to not only market our own services, but to market the products and services of our clients too.

But digital marketing is not all we do.

If you look at our homepage it says, “We’re a Performance Based Digital Agency With Owned and Operated US Based Contact Centers.”

What’s owned and operated us based contact centers, you ask?

We think it’s a better way to market your school.

You see, us based contact centers, like those owned and operated by Conversion Media Group do inbound and outbound phone calls, send outbound SMS text, conduct instant chat, video chat, do full social media contact, email contact, lead generation, and lead nurturing.

As a result, we can produce what are called live lead transfers.

Live lead transfers are people we’ve gotten to know through various contact points, nurtured them and actually have them on the telephone. Yes, the telephone.

Once they indicate they’re interested in what your school has has to offer, we can transfer the call, in real-time, directly to your enrollment department.

Now, live lead transfers have been shown to convert at a great rate. And there’s a pretty simple reason why…

They’re already interested in what you have to offer before your enrollment reps even talk with them. How’s that for an alternative!

Now, if you’re looking to generate new students for your college, trade, or vocational school…

Then partnering with Conversion Media Group should be atop your to-do list.

While digital marketing is, and probably always will be, very important to getting your message out there…

Getting ready-to-act prospects dialed directly into your enrollment department…

Well, that’s something else!

If you’d like to learn more about Conversion Media Groups enrollment capabilities, simply give us a call (we love real conversation) at:

1 (800) 419-3201.

Or you can click HERE for other ways to contact us.

[1] Digital Ad Spending Market Size to Hit US$ 1.26 Trn by 2032 (

[2] Google Ads Benchmarks 2023 by Industry [Original & Latest data] (

[3] Marketing Research: Average conversion rates – MarketingExperiments

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