Could These Degree Offerings Be the Next Revenue Boon For Online Colleges and Universities?

Could These Degree Offerings Be the Next Revenue Boon For Online Colleges and Universities?

691 million. That’s the number of Google search results for the various versions of “online degree in ai.” 691 million!

Considering the first bachelor’s degree program in AI was launched just six years ago at Carnegie Mellon, this is an astounding level of interest. It’s especially astounding considering the “online” aspect of the Google search term.[1]

Now, to put this massive search volume in perspective, it’s important to know this: Over the past decade the number of people interested in getting a degree focusing on artificial intelligence (based on variations of the search term “AI degree”) went from practically zero to over 1.25 billion.

Yes, interest in artificial intelligence degrees are that hot.

And, because of how the industry as a whole has become so attractive, offering some incredibly well-paying jobs, students are also completing their AI degrees at very high rates.

In fact, as the Georgetown University Center for Security and Emerging Technology noted, AI degrees have shown positive degree conferral growth vs. negative conferral growth across all other degree areas… with a “dramatic” increase of 120% (since 2011) in both bachelors and master’s levels.[2]

Meaning this: If you offer online degrees in AI, you may not only see positive enrollment growth, but you could retain those students through the entire program at a rate higher than other degree offerings.

Or more simply put, offering degrees in Ai could be a real boon to the bottom line.

Of course, your institution may already be offering degrees in artificial intelligence, and your institution may already be seeing enrollment (and conferral) growth.

But if it’s not, now’s the time to consider adding these programs to your offerings…

For the simple reason being, prospective students want them!

Now, simply offering degrees in AI won’t necessarily mean new students will come flooding into your programs. So naturally, to attract them, you’ll need to market your artificial intelligence programs directly to them.

To best do this, you’ll need a proven marketing partner who can reach these prospects and inform them all about your school and its programs.

That’s where Conversion Media Group comes in.

You see, CMG is a national leader in higher education enrollment initiatives. We specialize in helping online colleges and universities reach prospective new students by actually speaking with them.

Yes, speaking with them one-on-one, on a personal level, over the telephone. We know their wants, their needs and their desires…

And we’re capable of transferring our live phone calls directly to your enrollment department the moment one of our prospects shows genuine interest in your school and its programs.

Now, with AI being such a hot topic, and the volume of prospective students interested in earning a degree in AI online, the time to take advantage of this trend is right now.

Why right now? Well, at the current rate of search growth for “online degree in ai,” more and more schools will begin offering these degree programs, creating new competition for students.

So, if your school doesn’t offer degrees in ai (or isn’t marketing its programs), it may be missing out on what could end up being the biggest revenue boon in a long time.

Don’t miss out.

For information on how Conversion Media Group can help you increase enrollments at your school (for AI programs or otherwise), simply visit us HERE.

Or call +1 800 419 3201 and we’ll explain exactly how we can help.

[1] Penn First Ivy League to Offer a Degree in AI │ DiversityComm

[2] Leading the Charge: A Look at the Top-Producing AI Programs in U.S. Colleges and Universities | Center for Security and Emerging Technology (

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