Government Report on FAFSA Debacle Released

Government Report on FAFSA Debacle Released

Make no bones about it, last year’s FAFSA debacle caused widespread havoc and panic among students, families and institutions of higher education. In January, CNBC said, “Rocky FAFSA Rollout Leaves Millions of Students, Families Frustrated” … [1]

In February, the Los Angels Times said of it, “This is Just the Biggest Fiasco” …[2]

And in March, The Atlantic said, “Colleges Are Facing an Enrollment Nightmare” … [3]

Now, roughly a year out from when the financial aid “apocalypse” began (it was supposed to open last October), the federal government has finally released its investigatory report on what happened – even as this year’s FAFSA rollout is having issues, as well.

Of course, what is revealed in the report (Conversion Media Group will share some highlights in a moment) is no consolation to the students effected, nor to the institutions who were left holding the “enrollment nightmare” bag, but the autopsy report, as Inside Higher Ed calls it, should nevertheless be examined.[4]

So, here are some of the highlights from the Government Accountability Office report:

  • The Office of Federal Student Aid did NOT properly test the forms before launch.
  • As early as August 2022 (more than a year before release), the FSA thought/knew the rollout would be delayed.
  • The FSA waited seven months before publicly announcing the delay.
  • The investigation found that, in regard to delays, the Dept.’s communication strategy was “inadequate.”
  • During the first five months of the FAFSA rollout, 4 million of the 5.4 million calls the Education Dept. received went unanswered.
  • The Dept. failed to inform over 500,000 students of changes in their federal aid estimates.
  • At the time of the form’s release, 18 out of 25 “key requirements” for launch were NOT met.
  • Colleges were not informed of the delay until the day before processing was to begin.

“Until the department addresses these weaknesses, it will be hampered in its ability to make needed improvements… This could put the 2025–2026 FAFSA cycle at increased risk for experiencing further delays and technical errors,” the GAO report concluded.

So, there you have it. The FAFSA debacle explained. But, like we said earlier, this is no consolation to students, families or institutions that were affected, and this year’s rollout is NOT going all that smoothly either.

In fact, NPR highlighted this August the potential for another fiasco this year saying, “The Rollout for the Updated FAFSA Application Has been delayed Again.”[5]

Which could lead to fewer students filling out FAFSA forms once again… and another enrollment nightmare for colleges and universities.

This is why it’s so very important for colleges (especially online colleges) to begin marketing their programs to prospective students, and assisting them with financial aid issues however possible, immediately.

Or more simply put, by the time the spring semester rolls around, institutions will want to have all their ducks in a row, regardless of what happens with the next FAFSA rollout.

If you’d like to learn more about how Conversion Media Group, a nationwide leader in online college enrollment initiatives, can generate high quality EDU leads to help boost your enrollments, simply call us at 1-800-419-3201.

Or you can contact us HERE.

[1] Issues with the new FAFSA rollout leaves students, families frustrated (

[2] College admissions upended by FAFSA financial aid form glitches – Los Angeles Times (

[3] The FAFSA Fiasco Is a Really Big Deal – The Atlantic

[4] GAO releases initial findings from FAFSA investigation (

[5] The rollout for the updated FAFSA application has been delayed again : NPR

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